Congratulations to Dr. Anne Massey for successfully defending her dissertation on Wednesday!
As a reminder, resources are available on the SharePoint, including a introductory how-to guide on LinkKing, sample R code for web scraping, and more! If you would like access, please email Sam Banks.
The November and December FIPRP Fridays and the December Methods Seminar are cancelled for holidays. We will see you in the new year!
The Firearms conference is less than a month away!If you are planning on coming and have not yet filled out this short survey please do so.
Looking Ahead
FIPRP Methods Seminar
Today! November 15, 10-11 am PT Speaker:Dr. Joseph Richardson Title: Life after the gunshot: Digital storytelling, narrative change and healing for young Black men survivors of community firearm violence
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
Trujeque J, Dudley RA, Mesfin N, Ingraham NE, Ortiz I, Bangerter A, Chakraborty A, Schutte D, Yeung J, Liu Y, Woodward-Abel A, Bromley E, Zhang R, Brenner LA, Simonetti JA
Providing qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods consultation services
Creating, compiling, and presenting methods resources to FIPRP members
Facilitating trainings on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, research procedures, and research ethics
Please reach out to Sam Banks ( if you have any new firearm-related publications and/or conversations with the media, reporters, community partners, or policymakers in an article so it can be listed on the FIPRP website.
FIPRP has a SharePoint that we are hoping will help facilitate the sharing of resources. We currently have a methods folder which includes resources and guidance on topics like data visualization, qualitative methods, and survey methods among other resources for FIPRP outreach. If you would like access or would like to contribute resources, please email Sam Banks