Peer-Reviewed Publications
This is the list of peer-review publications in which a member or members of FIPRP has served as an author.
Firearm Injuries treated at Trauma Centers in the United States
(2024 Jun 1)J Trauma Acute Care Surg (96): 955-964Rivara FP, Hink AB, Kuhls DA, Banks S, Agoubi LL, Kirkendoll S, Winchester A, Hoeft C, Patel B, Nathens ARead More
Variations in State Laws on Mental Health-Related Firearm Prohibition
(2023 Dec 1)JAMA Intern Med (183): 1402-1404Bowen DM, Rowhani-Rahbar A, McCourt A, Betz M, Rivara FPRead More
Provider Perspectives on Addressing Firearm Safety with Older Adults in Primary Care
(October 4, 2023)Clinical Gerontologist (): Ross R, Prater LC, Cole A, Mustafa A, Pham K, Suchsland MZ, Gallagher A, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Phelan EARead More
Misclassification of firearm-related violent crime in criminal legal system records: Challenges and opportunities
(October 2, 2023)Injury Epidemiology (10): Schleimer JP, Mustafa A, Ross R, Bowen A, Gallagher A, Bowen D, Rowhani‑Rahbar ARead More