Peer-Reviewed Publications
This is the list of peer-review publications in which a member or members of FIPRP has served as an author.
Long-lasting Consequences of Gun Violence and Mass Shootings.
(2019 May 14)JAMA (321): 1765-1766Rowhani-Rahbar A, Zatzick DF, Rivara FPRead More
Firearm assault injuries by residence and injury occurrence location.
(2019 Sep)Inj Prev (25): i12-i15Mills B, Hajat A, Rivara F, Nurius P, Matsueda R, Rowhani-Rahbar ARead More
State-Level Beer Excise Tax and Firearm Homicide in Adolescents and Young Adults.
(2019 May)Am J Prev Med (56): 708-715Tessler RA, Mooney SJ, Quistberg DA, Rowhani-Rahbar A, Vavilala MS, Rivara FPRead More
Income inequality and firearm homicide in the US: A county-level cohort study.
(2019 Sep)Inj Prev (25): i25-i30Rowhani-Rahbar A, Quistberg DA, Morgan ER, Hajat A, Rivara FPRead More