Peer-Reviewed Publications
This is the list of peer-review publications in which a member or members of FIPRP has served as an author.
Intimate partner violence-related fatalities among US youth ages 0-24, 2014-2018.
(2022 Apr)Am J Prev Med (62): 529-537Graham LM, Kafka JM, AbiNader MA, Lawler SM, Gover-Chamlou AN, Messing JT, Moracco KERead More
Patient-reported Outcomes at 6 to 12 Months Among Survivors of Firearm Injury in the United States
(2021 Dec 1)Ann Surg (274): e1247-e1251Herrera-Escobar JP, de Jager E, McCarty JC, Lipsitz S, Haider AH, Salim A, Nehra DRead More
Physical distancing, violence, and crime in US cities during the coronavirus pandemic.
(2021 Dec)J Urban Health (98): 772-776Schleimer JP, McCort CD, Tomsich EA, Pear VA, De Biasi A, Buggs S, Laqueur HS, Shev AB, Wintemute GJRead More
Firearm Suicide Among Persons With Terminal Illness.
(2022 Feb)J Pain Symptom Manage (63): e260-e263Prater LC, Mills B, Bowen AG, Rooney L, Cheung A, Betz ME, Rowhani-Rahbar ARead More
Understanding the circumstances and perceptions of gun violence restraining order use in California: A qualitative study.
(November 1, 2021)Criminol Public Policy (20): 755-773Pallin, R, Tomsich, E, Schleimer, JP, Pear, V, Charbonneau, A, Wintemute, G, Knoepke, CRead More