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Current & Recent Research Projects

This table lists examples of ongoing or recently-completed research projects led by members of the Firearm Injury & Policy Research Program.

Project Title Goal
A multi-state evaluation of extreme risk protection orders: Implementation, outcomes, and jurisdictional variation  To examine the uptake and implementation of extreme risk protection order laws in six different states and evaluate its association with subsequent risk of injury and death
Behavioral health and criminal legal system interactions of extreme risk protection order respondents: A statewide mixed-methods study To characterize patterns of behavioral health orders and criminal legal system involvements in cases of extreme risk protection orders and examine their relationship with subsequent behavioral health and criminal legal system outcomes.
Building research capacity for firearm safety among children To utilize multidisciplinary research expertise across the U.S., as well as stakeholder partner groups of gun owners, to catalyze the science of childhood firearm injury prevention
Characterizing Secure Firearm Storage To describe and identify patterns in secure firearm storage locally and nationally.
Culture, longitudinal patterns, and safety promotion of handgun carrying among rural adolescents: Implications for injury prevention To improve our knowledge of the culture, scope, and developmental patterns of handgun carrying, as well as its determinants and consequences, among youth living in rural communities, and provide actionable evidence for informing strategies that can prevent firearm-related injury and promote safety in this population.
Domestic violence protection orders and orders to surrender and prohibit weapons in Washington To characterize all domestic violence protection orders as well as orders to surrender and prohibit weapons in Washington from 2014 through 2022.
Early Childhood Education and Violence Prevention Across the Life Course and Generations To estimate the effects of Head Start, a large-scale, comprehensive early childhood education intervention, 1) inter-generationally on suicidal ideation and inter-personal violence perpetration, and 2) intra-generationally on handgun carrying and inter-personal violence perpetration, along with interactive effects of demographic, social, economic, and environmental factors.
Evaluating and improving the accuracy of ICD-coded hospital data systems in estimating the incidence of nonfatal firearm injuries by intent type  To identify ways to improve hospital billing data efficiently and substantially such that they can be used for surveillance of non-fatal firearm injury by intent.
Evaluation of Safe Storage Distribution Events To evaluate the implementation of statewide programs that distribute firearm locking mechanisms into community settings.
Evaluation of suicide prevention training for healthcare professionals: A natural experiment To evaluate the impact of state policies for suicide prevention training among healthcare professionals on suicide-related outcomes.
Extreme Risk Protection Orders in Washington State and their Impact on Firearm-Related Arrests and Convictions To describe the current state of Washington’s Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs) and assess their impact on firearm-related arrests and convictions.
Firearm restrictions in domestic violence protection orders: Practical implementation and respondent violent crime perpetration To characterize the implementation of firearm restrictions for respondents on domestic violence protection orders and estimate the risk of violent crime perpetration among those individuals
Firearm rights restoration and risk for subsequent firearm and non-firearm violence To characterize firearm rights restorations and their association with subsequent violence in Washington State.
Firearm safety practices of rural families in Washington state To understand firearm safety practices of rural families in Washington state.
Firearm threats and violence against children and youth in Domestic Violence Protection Orders in King County, WA To assess differences in respondent firearm access and the use of weapons in granted domestic violence protection orders (DVPOs) with and without minors (individuals <18 years of age), and to characterize the frequency and characteristics of threats and acts of violence against minors.
Gun-free zones: Legislative landscape and relationship with firearm violence To characterize the evolution of federal and state laws related to designating gun-free zones and identify how the incidence of firearm violence and crime has changed in government-designated gun-free vs. gun-allowing zones.
Homicide, suicide, and prior domestic violence protection order (DVPO) case involvement: Data linkage and data quality evaluation pilot study To describe patterns of DVPO case involvement leading up to homicide or suicide among people who have experienced domestic violence.
Incorporating data from trauma registries into an existing project seeking to improve nonfatal firearm injury coding and surveillance To assess intent coding in trauma registry data and examine the extent to which rule-based intent designations jibe with standard practice among trauma registrars.
Online storage maps to facilitate voluntary firearm storage: Mixed methods evaluation To examine the perspectives of (1) suppliers (ranges, retailers, and LEAs in Colorado and Washington) and (2) users (firearm owners and family members in Colorado and Washington) about statewide voluntary firearm storage maps, and to then (3) develop an implementation toolkit for other states.
Preventing firearm-related harm through domestic violence protection order firearm prohibitions and relinquishment To examine the risk of firearm-related perpetration and victimization among individuals involved in domestic violence protection orders in relation to the implementation of firearm prohibition and relinquishment policies.
Research priorities for gun violence prevention after Bruen To identify research needs after the Supreme Court’s landmark decision, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen.
Risk factors for intimate partner homicide: A case-control study focused on male perpetrators of intimate partner violence and the role of firearms To examine why some suicidal male perpetrators of intimate partner violence kill their partner while others do not.
Risk of subsequent firearm-related crime among individuals with prior misdemeanor conviction To evaluate the risk of arrest and conviction for firearm-related crime in relation to history of firearm and non-firearm-related misdemeanor crimes.
School Shootings and Mental Health in the United States To understand the mental health impacts of school shootings on those directly and indirectly involved and to inform future research, guide public health interventions, and support advocacy groups and policy makers working to reduce the frequency and impact of school shootings.
Shared decision-making for firearm safety among older adults at high risk for firearm suicide To refine and evaluate an innovative decision aid to promote safer firearm storage for older adults with early dementia or depression.
Social impact evaluation and assessment of youth firearm violence intervention and prevention programs To examine the impact of community-based youth firearm violence intervention and prevention programs across Washington State.
Uncovering the Facilitators of Change within Youth Mentoring Interventions to Prevent Interpersonal Firearm Violence Among Black and African American Youth  Focus on how community-based youth mentoring programs can prevent firearm violence in the communities they serve while promoting social justice among youth and families.

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